Monday, May 17, 2010

3rs Business Plan

Use internet resources to come up with ideas for your Green Business plan.  Then use OpenOffice writer to type out your ideas.  You Will have several more days to work on this project, so just save your work to your folder:

The 3 R’s Business plan
Your group is going to create and develop an idea for a business that provides a service or produces a product that benefits the environment. The benefit must be in the category of recycling, reducing and/or reusing.

Usually three to five descriptive sentences per (letter) is sufficient.


I. Introduction

(a) Describe your product or service. An illustration would be useful.

(b) Describe its role as one of the three R’s.

II. Market Analysis

(a) Describe your total market potential (customers) and how the environment will benefit from your product or service.

(b) Describe a specific customer and how that customer will benefit from your product or service.

(c) Describe the size of your total market potential and of your target market.

(d) Describe the growth potential of your market (customers).

III. The Competition

(a) Describe two of your major competitors and compare your product or service to that of these two competitors

(b) Is the market of your competitors increasing, decreasing, or remaining steady? Explain.

IV. Development

This section is probably beyond your expertise. But remember that this project is about creativity and ideas, so try to write something in here.

(a) Outline a plan (list of steps) for developing your product or establishing your service and include a timeline.

(b) Describe what the finished product or service will look like.

V. Finances

Again, this section is probably beyond your expertise. Try.

(a) Predict the costs of developing your product or service and getting it to market.

(b) Predict the finances of your business for the first year including production, salaries, building, marketing, etc.

(c) Do you think your business will need government subsidy? If so explain how much and the rational for receiving it.

VI. Operations

(a) Describe the physical plant, building, shop, stall, or whatever place where your product or service will be made or delivered. A floor plan would be useful.

(b) Describe the equipment your business will need.

VII. Marketing

(a) Design a logo or business heading for your business

(b) Design a marketing campaign: how, when, where, how often, would you advertise? or explain why you wouldn’t advertise.

(c) Describe two problems you foresee in marketing your product or service and one strategy for dealing with that problem.

VIII. Personnel

(a) Identify five personnel positions within your business and the types of character traits that would be important to consider when you hire.

(b) Create a tree-hierarchy for your personnel

(c) Would you hire experienced personnel or would you want novices that you could train?

(d) Develop a compensation plan for your employees that includes health benefits

(e) What are two advantages and two disadvantages to running a business with a partner as opposed to running it by yourself?

IX. Professional assistance

(a) Describe how these professionals could assist the success of your business: accountant, lawyer, marketing specialist, fire marshal, local university professor.

(b) Explain which, if any, of these professionals you would hire.

X. The Future

(a) What will be the position of your business be in five years? in ten years? Will the market have changed? If so, how? Will laws have changed that affect your business? If so, how?

(b) List two trade publications (real ones) that would assist you to keep your business competitive.

(c) List one trade convention (a real one) that would assist you to keep your business competitive.

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